


  1. Friends:六人行——1994年~2004年一群朋友在紐約的生活(10季)
  2. how i met your mother:追愛總動員——2005年~2014年一群朋友在紐約的生活(9季)
  3. Modern Family:摩登家庭——一個跟美國大熔爐般多元的家庭(正上演第8季)
  4. The Big Bang Theory:生活大爆炸——一群科學家的生活(正上演第10季)
  5. Grey’s Anatomy:實習醫生——一群醫生的日常(正上演第13季)

以上只簡單列舉了一些我自己比較熟知的電視劇,除了實習醫生之外,大多都是情境喜劇,每集都只有 20 分鐘左右,當然還有很多熱門的美劇如 The Walking Dead (陰屍路)、Game of Thrones(權力遊戲),但我覺得他們的製作方式比較偏向電影,而且都由原著改編,所以我暫時不列入討論,畢竟演員們所需要在戲劇上投入的訓練比一般情境喜劇還要更多,而且每集約 40 分鐘,是情境喜劇兩倍的時間,所以接下來我就要來談這些20分鐘戲劇背後你所意想不到的驚人製作成本,而製作成本最主要當然都是花這演員們身上。

因為 Friends 已經年代久遠,所以不列入我的調查之中,以我個人一直都有在追的兩齣劇 Modern Family 和 The Big Bang Theory 來作為分析,以下的數據都是他們現在正在出演的這一季的每集薪水。

Modern Family(摩登家庭)

Julie Bowen, Ty Burrell, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Eric Stonestreet, and Sofia Vergara
因為之前已經很詳細跟大家介紹過這齣戲了,所以我就不再特別針對故事主軸進行描述,基本上故事中所有的大人(為人父母的角色)除了飾演 Jay 的 Ed O’Neil 之外,其他五位的薪水都是一起談判的。目前第八季每人每集薪資為35萬美元,還有一些額外的獎勵,而這筆薪資合約明年到期,因此2017年將會重新談判,讓身為忠實影迷的我相當擔心會不會因為演員們開出的驚人薪資而導致這齣溫馨的情境喜劇被迫中止!而 Ed O’Neil 因為年資的關係薪水一直以來都比其他五位高,但最近一次的薪資談判中他不再繼續上加薪資,而是要求能夠獲得更多 back-end participation,有點類似版權費用的概念,就是可以在摩登家庭這齣戲的獲利抽取一部分的比例。根據 Forbes 2012年的調查,摩登家庭每半小時的獲利為 213 萬美元(我覺得應該是扣除成本了,但我不太確定),是美國2012年獲利排名第10名的電視節目,至於他們演員們在獲利中抽取的比例不得而知,但無庸置疑的是,他們絕對可以因為這齣戲的薪水過著奢華的生活。

至於劇中飾演孩子們的角色,除了 Haley 年紀比較大所以薪資較高之外,其他孩子每人第八季每集薪資約10萬美金。總結以上,一集摩登家庭可能就要將近300萬美金的卡司費用,也就是台幣將近1億元!你開心的在電腦螢幕前看了20分鐘的影片,背後居然是這麼可觀的金錢所堆砌出來的,更別談還有其他的製作費用,一集的製作費簡直是讓人難以想像,然而這齣戲並不是特例,接下來來看我也很喜歡的影集生活大爆炸的卡司費用。

The Big Bang Theory(生活大爆炸)

我相信有在看美劇的人多少都知道這部影集,故事內容主要就是一群在加州理工學院工作的科學家與美女鄰居 Penny 的故事,後面幾季各個科學家們也開始紛紛交起女朋友,而加入的角色也都是一些個性有些詭異的高知識份子,如果你想練英文聽力,這部戲是一個非常好的選擇,而且我個人覺得這齣戲還蠻好笑的,尤其是 Sheldon 更是怪異的好笑,演技真的非常精湛。每集20分鐘,漏掉任何一集也不會看不懂的那種喜劇。根據 Forbes 2012 年的調查,生活大爆炸每半小時的獲利為 275 萬美元(我覺得應該是扣除成本了,但我不太確定),是美國 2012 年獲利排名第 8 的電視節目,那這些演員們的薪水究竟如何呢?

Jim Parsons (飾演Sheldon), Kaley Cuoco (飾演Penny), and Johnny Galecki (飾演Leonard)


Kunal Nayyar(飾演 Raj) and Simon Helberg(飾演 Howard)
他們兩人在薪資談判時如劇中角色般團結一心,一起談籌碼,最後結果是他們能夠獲得 Jim Parsons , Kaley Cuoco, Johnny Galecki 三人薪資的75%,也就是每集每人75萬美金左右(據說一度談判破局,製作團隊還威脅要將兩人的角色去除)

Melissa Rauch(飾演Bernadette ) and Mayim Bialik(飾演Amy)
Bernadette 和 Amy 這兩個角色都是在第三季客串出現,第四季開始成為固定演員,第七季的時候每人每集 6萬美金,但隨著每年薪資成長,目前每人每集約 10萬美金

總結以上每個角色的每集薪資,平均一集生活大爆炸的卡司費用就要價 470 萬美元,將近 1.5 億台幣!



‘Modern Family’: How Much Does The Cast Really Make?
‘The Big Bang Theory’: How Much Money Does the Cast Really Make?


Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:)




Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 2-1

大家中秋假期快樂!在經過一番思考之後,書蟲女孩還是決定繼續寫摩登家庭第二季的看影集學英文,不過我發現第二季的結尾都會由一個角色說出一段很不錯的話,所以之後每一集我都會 quote 一段劇中角色的話,算是一個新的小改變。除此之外,這段期間有空的話書蟲女孩仍會繼續努力可以帶給讀者們更多有趣的題材,也謝謝大家的支持!

Modern Family season 2 episode 1–The Old Wagon
Claire 決定把放在車庫的舊車整理售出,但在整理的過程中想到很多孩子們小時候的美好回憶,一度捨不得把車賣掉,於是 Phil 決定帶大家搭上時光機,全家人開車到山上重溫回憶,不料卻狀況百出,最後車子還整台墜落山崖。Mitch 想為 Lily 建一座小孩玩的城堡,可是 Cam 一直都很害怕拿著工具時的 Mitch,因為 Mitch 很不擅長手工這類的活動,最後 Mitch 還意外將自己困在城堡裡面(這邊還有延續上一季最後一集 Mitch 怕鳥的橋段)。Manny 邀請了女同學一起來家裡讀書,意外引發 Gloria 的醋意。雖然故事分成三線,但其實都圍繞在"change"這個字上,就像是Phil在本集最後講的一段話,每個人都不喜歡改變,但人生有些時候就是要放手並欣然接受這些改變。

  • snap (v.) 發怒
    to suddenly stop being able to control your anger, anxiety, or other feelings in a difficult situation: The stress began to get to her, and  one morning she just snapped.
    Cam: If I have to read the “the very hungry caterpillar" one more time, I will snap.

    ♦書蟲女孩碎碎念:看到 Cam 提到 The very hungry caterpillar 這本書真的超有共鳴的!因為我家也有一本原文版的 The very hungry caterpillar,因為小時候我爸在美國念博士,所以我家蠻多原文故事書的,這本書就是我爸送給我的一歲生日禮物,讀了超級多次,去年我拿出來重看才發現這本書也太無聊了吧!就真的是一隻非常餓的毛毛蟲一直狂吃狂吃,最後就變成一隻蝴蝶,但這本童書幾乎每年都是 Amazon 售出數量前幾名的一本書喔!
  • petrified (adj.) 害怕的
    extremely frightened, especially so frightened that you cannot move or think.|petrified of: I’m petrified of spiders.| petrified with fright/fear: He was so petrified with fear when he saw the gun.
    Cam: I am petrified to do this with Mitchell.
  • swing by 順道經過
    to visit some place for a brief amount of time, especially as a deviation from a direct course: On my way home, Iswung by the post office to buy some stamps. 
    Phil: Yeah, no ,swing by anytime. We’re here all day.
  • humble pie 低聲下氣認錯
    to eat humble pie, in common usage, is to apologize and face humiliation for a serious error.
    Phil: Well, you’re gonna be eating a humble pie.
  • pipe dream (n.) 白日夢
    fantastic notion or vain hope.
    Phil: Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole from collapsing in itself. That’s just a pipe dream.
  • spire (n.) 屋頂、尖塔
    a roof that rises steeply to a point on the top of a tower, especially on a church.
    Jay: I got him in the garage putting flags on the spires.
  • cahoots (n.) 狐群狗黨
    be in cahoots (with sb)to be working secretly with another person group, especially in order to something dishonest.
  • door jamb (n.) 垂直的門框
    a doorjamb, door jamb (also sometimes doorpost) is the vertical portion of the door frame onto which a door is secured.
    Mitch: You’re like in cahoots.Oh god, who put that door jamb there?
  • burgundy (n.) 酒紅色
    a dark red color
    Mitch: I’m gonna wear my burgundy dinner jacket.

It gonna to be tough to say goodbye. It always is. Nobody loves change. But part of life is learning to let things go.                    Phil Dunphy (Modern Family season2 episode1 )

Ellen 的節目常常都會出現嚇人的橋段,Eric Stonestreet 也被連續嚇了好多年,他被嚇的反應跟他在摩登家庭的演技還真是有幾分相似呢!


Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:)


看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-24

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-23

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-22




Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-24

第一季的看影集學英文結束了!真是難以置信我持之以恆的寫了 24 篇文章,第一季才剛結束接著第八季馬上又要在美國電視上首播了。這段時間很謝謝大家和我一起愛這部影集,目前還無法保證接下來有沒有時間繼續寫下去,大家會想繼續看摩登家庭第二季的單字整理還是想換部影集看呢?總之,感謝大家帶給我一段截然不同的人生回憶,感謝當時的自己毫無猶豫的創立部落格,更感謝大家一路的支持!

Modern Family season 1 episode 24–Family Portrait
這是第一季的最後一集,老實說在我看了七季之後,我覺得這一季的結尾很不錯,對於一部紀錄片性質的影集來說,本來就沒有所謂的完結,因為所有角色就和我們每個人一樣每天每天的過著生活,生活中只有令人難忘的時刻,沒有所謂的終點,但礙於這畢竟是一部影集,所以好像還是要給大家一個好的結尾。這集的主軸就是全家福的拍攝,Claire 求好心切地想讓大家拍出完美的全家福因而神經兮兮,Phil 和 Gloria 帶 Alex 和 Manny 去湖人隊主場看球賽,因為兩人被 kiss camera 照到所以還接吻,Luke 為了一份學校作業訪問 Jay 在 60 年代的生活,Jay 為了讓 Luke 的故事變有趣而亂編一通。Cam 受邀到一場婚禮上演唱,Mitch 因為不喜歡和人聊天所以待在家中,結果家裡居然意外飛進一隻鴿子,害怕鳥類的 Mitch 為了和鳥對抗因而破壞了大量的傢俱,最後到了拍攝時刻時大家心情都不好,直到 Jay 開啟了一場泥巴大戰大家才開心地拍下以下這張自然卻又溫馨的照片


  • crotch (n.) 身體的重要部位
    the part of your body between the tops of your legs, or the part a piece of clothing that covers this.
  • tourniquet (n.) 止血繃帶
    a band of clothe that is twisted tightly around an injured arm or leg to stop it bleeding.
    Jay: It was like a crotch tourniquet.
  • obscurity (n.) 默默無名、模糊
    1.the state of not being known or remembered:fade/slide/sink etc into obscurity.
    from obscurity to sth She rose from obscurity to stardom.
    2.something that is difficult to understand, or the quality of being difficult to understand: obscurities in the text.
    Cam: I was plucked from obscurity after a particularly stirring karaoke performance.
  • filthy (adj.) 骯髒的
    1.very dirty: The house was filthy, with clothes and newspaper strewn everywhere .
    2.showing or describing sexual acts in a very rude or offensive way: filthy language/story/joke
    3.showing anger or annoyance: filthy mood/temper
    4.filthy weather/night/day the weather, a night that is very cold.
  • kitsch (n.) 俗俗的(沒品味的)東西
    objects, films etc that are cheap and unfashionable, and which often amuse people because of this-kitsch,kitschy(adj.)
    Mitch: So while I’m fighting off the filthy creature,I actually stop and say “Oh, you know what, here’s the opportunity I’ve always been looking for to destroy our kitschiest objects.


Back on ’68,when I was sweeping up hair in that barbershop, I had this mental picture of the family that, if I was lucky enough, one day I would end up with -perfect wife,perfect kids. Guess what,I didn’t get any of that. Wound up with this sorry bunch. And I’m thankful for that every day.  _ Jay Pritchett (Modern Family season 1 finale)




Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:)


看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-23

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-22

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-21




Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-23

Modern Family season 1 episode 23–Hawaii
這集劇情延續上一集在機場的場景,全家人都來到夏威夷,雖然這集四季飯店有置入行銷,但覺得置入程度尚可接受。Jay 在生日當天接到他弟弟的電話,提醒他他們的父親就是在 63 歲這年過世的,導致 Jay 不敢在假期中放縱的吃喝,反而還一直做各種戶外活動和健身;Phil 想要彌補 Claire 當初沒有舉辦婚禮和蜜月旅行的遺憾,所以一直叫 Claire 好好享受假期,但 Claire 卻時時需要擔心孩子們的一舉一動;Mitch 在旅行的時候喜歡到處參觀當地景點,但 Cam 卻只想好好的待在飯店裡休息,最後 Mitch 也發現其實旅行也可以很放鬆。這是摩登家庭第一次出國拍攝,我個人其實蠻喜歡他們出外景拍攝的故事,因為故事的內容發展往往都會相當有趣,還沒看過後幾季的朋友可以期待!書蟲女孩很喜歡這一集,充分的演繹出一家人出遊時會發生的各種情況,最後 Phil 和 Claire 遲來的婚禮溫馨感人,更喜歡畫面視角偶爾穿插 Cam 攝影機畫面的呈現手法,覺得就算這一集作為第一季的完結似乎也蠻適合的。


  • parole (n.) 假釋出獄
    permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition that they promise to behave well. 例句:He was released on parole after serving two years.
    Phil: The judge sentenced me to life with no chance of parole.

  • iron (n.)熨斗、鐵
    a thing used to for making clothe smooth, which has a heated flat metal base.
    Manny: Score! There’s an iron in here!

  • nebula (n.) 星雲
    a mass of gas and dust among the stars,which often appears as a bright cloud in the sky at night
    Luke: I am from the nebula of Great Toilet.

  • glisten (v.) 閃亮
    to shine and look wet or oily.
    Claire: Phil,this is important. Phil: Go ahead. I am glistening. 
  • banyan tree (n.) 榕樹
    Cam: We are in our way to see the world’s largest banyan tree.
  • immerse (v.) 沈浸於某事物
    1.to put someone or something deep into a liquid so that they are completely covered.immerse sb/sth with sth
    2.immerse yourself in sth to become completely involved in an activity.
    Mitch: We both like to immerse ourselves in the culture and really get to know the locals. 
  • warlord (n.) 軍閥
    a warlord is a leader able to exercise military, economic, and political control over a subnational territory within a sovereign state due to their ability to mobilize armed forces loyal to them.
    Cam: I have a small fear he’s become a warlord.

  • woo (v.) 說服他人/使人對你著迷
    1.try to persuade someone to do something such as buy something from you, vote for you or work for you-used in new report: the party’s efforts to woo working class voters.
    2.old-fashioned to try to persuade a woman to love you and marry you.
    Phil: Buckle your self belt,lady. You are being wooed.

  • condone (v.) 縱容
    to accept or forgive a behavior that most people think is morally wrong.
    Phil: Just to be clear, I ‘m not condoning eating your kids, but I sure as heck know why giraffes do it.

  • fire drill (n.) 消防演習
    fire/emergency drill
    an occasion when people practice what they should do in a dangerous situation such as fire.
    Luke : Last night we had a fire drill.

  • nozzle(n.) 噴嘴
    a part that is fitted to the end of pipe to direct and control the stream of liquid or gas poring out.
    Phil: I was leaning up against that nozzle a minute ago.

  • hog (v.) 佔據
    informal to keep, use , or have all of something that should be shared.
    Mitch: I wouldn’t know. Phil was hogging it.

  • spasm(n.) 抽筋
    1.an occasion when your muscles suddenly become tight, causing you pain.
    2.spasm of grief/ laughter/coughing etc a sudden strong feeling or reaction that you have for a short period of time.
    Jay: There’s spasming.

  • hammock (n.) 吊床
    a large piece of cloth that is hung between two trees or posts so that you can sleep in it.
    Phil: He was stuck in a hammock. It was actually really funny.

  • seize up 突然閃到/故障
    1. if a part of your body, such as back, seizes up, you suddenly cannot move it and it is very painful.
    2. if an engine or part of a machine seize up, its moving parts stop working and can no longer move, for example because of lack of oil: The mechanism had seized up.
    Jay: My back seized up.


Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:)


看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-22

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-21

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-20



新影集推薦——Odd Mom out(怪媽闖蕩記)

Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-22

Modern Family season 1 episode 22–Airport 2010
這集是摩登家庭去夏威夷的前情提要,故事場景幾乎都在機場。Gloria 為了要替 Jay 慶祝 63 歲生日,邀請全家人一起到夏威夷度假一週,但 Jay 其實只想和 Gloria 兩人獨享悠閒時光;Mitch 因為出門的時候太過匆忙忘記帶錢包出門,Phil 載他回家拿錢包,把焦慮的 Claire 一個人留在機場面對搭飛機前的焦慮,所以 Claire 只好喝酒忘卻恐懼;Haley 在機場看上一個正在畫畫的帥哥,孰不知對方是一個才 14 歲的小男生,而她的男友 Dylan 則被困在 Dunphy 家;Manny 因為名字被通緝犯盜用所以被海關詢問了一番,最後 Mitch 和 Phil 及時趕到機場,準備出發前往夏威夷囉!


  • baggage (n.) 行李、心理上的包袱
    1. emotions or thoughts that stem from painful or unpleasant past experiences and that affect one’s outlook or behavior
    2.the trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one’s belongings while traveling; luggage.

    Phil: I know I got a a lot of baggage, but don’t worry. I ‘m seeing a therapist.

  • queasy (adj.) 噁心、想吐的
    1.feeling that you are going to vomit
    2.feeling uncomfortable because an action seems morally wrong.
    Claire: Oh,God. Phil, I’m already feeling a little queasy.
  • break in something 適應某物(通常用於鞋子)
    to make something comfortable by using it
    Cam: Well, I’m just breaking in a new pair of hiking shoes.
  • motion sickness (n.) 暈車、暈船、暈機
    nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship.
    Cam: Oh,does somebody get a little motion sickness.
  • pedicab (n.) 三輪車
    small three-wheeled vehicle having a seat, pedals, and handlebars for the operator and a usually hooded cab forpassengers.
    Phil: You are talking to a guy who made his way through college by driving a pedicab.

  • burglar (n.) 小偷
    someone who goes into houses ,shops etc to steal things.近義詞:robber thief
    Phil: The average burglar breaks in and leaves clues every where, but not me.
  • wrack (v.) 破壞
    to make someone suffer from great mental or physical pain.
    Claire: I see a woman, uh,wracked with fear, whose husband has abandoned her.
  • snippy (adj.) 難搞的
    informal quick to show you are angry or offended ,or that you will not obey someone.
    Mitch: I am sorry to be snippy.
  • tonic (n.) 通寧水(一種氣泡飲料)
    a clear bitter-tasting drink that you can mix with alcoholic drinks such as GIN or VODKA.
    Claire: Mostly tonic actually,thanks to my new sponsor here.
  •  jittery (adj.) 焦慮的
    informal anxious or nervous.
    Claire: I’s a little jittery about flying.
  • contraband (n.) 違禁品
    goods that are brought into a country illegally, especially to avoid tax.
    Police: Ma’am, you seem to know an awful lot about sneaking contraband on to a plane.

我有一天偶然在 YouTube 上看到這段好笑的影片,才知道原來 Jesse Tyler 是 Sofia Vergara 和她老公的媒人,Jesse 模仿 Sofia 模仿得超像的!

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新影集推薦——Odd Mom out(怪媽闖蕩記)

Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-21

從當初的第 1 集到現在第 21 集已經快要 5 個月的時間,看著這個部落格的成長實在令書蟲女孩相當感動,也很感謝一路支持我的讀者們,畢竟在一個毫無酬勞的狀況之下建立一個部落格唯一支撐下去的力量真的就是讀者們了。然而經營部落格並不是我的全職工作,所以有時候真的很難撥出時間寫文章,未來原定每週四準時發行的看影集學英文可能也無法固定發行了,但這個部落格還是會一直經營下去的,在我有時間的狀況之下還是會持續尋求好的素材寫給大家新的文章,希望喜歡書蟲女孩的朋友們還是可以繼續支持我,一起期待我將部落格經營到另一種規模的一天!

Modern Family season 1 episode 21–Travels with Scout
Phil 的爸爸 Frank 突然帶了一隻狗來拜訪,並要讓 Phil一家人養這隻狗,Claire 從一開始的不情願到後來漸漸愛上這隻狗,但最後 Frank 因為捨不得狗狗所以還是把牠帶回家了。Dylan 的樂團臨時少了一個鼓手因而給了 Cam 機會能夠上台展現他的表演慾;Jay 想要和 Manny 創造美好的翹課回憶,但卻不小心帶 Manny 看了一部驚悚片,導致 Manny 一直緊張兮兮。


  • cavity (n.) 洞、蛀牙
    formal a hole or space inside something: Put herbs inside the body cavity of the fish.
    I have no cavities(=no holes in my teeth).
    Jay: Hey, how’d it go in there? Manny: No cavities.
  • pound (n.) 動物收容所
    a place where dogs and cats that have been found on the street are kept until their owners come to get them.
    Frank: I got him from the pound.
  • pitch in 參與
    to join in and help someone with something.
    Claire: Okay, but remember, having a dog is a major responsibility. Everyone in the family has to pitch in.
  • have a lot on plate 有很多事情要忙
    to have a lot of work to do or a lot of problems to deal with
    Dylan: Oh,phew. Cause I got a lot on my plate right now.
  • gig (n.) 表演
    1.a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music, or a performance by a comedian.
    2. informal a job, especially one that does not last for a long time.
    Dylan: Now we’re gonna have to cancel the gig tomorrow.
  • in a jam= a difficult situation.
    jam session= an informal session where musicians play together.
    Cam: But if you’re in a jam, I can jam.
  • perimeter (n.) 邊界、周長
    1. the border around the enclosed area such as a military camp.
    2. the whole length of the border around an area or shape.
    Manny: Is that the alarm? Has our perimeter been breached.
  • crate (n.) 箱子、籠子
    1. a container, such as a slatted wooden case, used for storing or shipping.
    2. a container, usually of plastic, metal, or wood, used to house or transport an animal.
    Phil: Why don’t you just keep him in the crate?
  • machete (n.) 大彎刀
    large heavy knife with a broad blade, used as a weapon and an implement for cutting vegetation.
    Jay: He’s even bringing his fake machete.
  • nuzzle (v.) 親暱地摩鼻子和頭(多用來形容動物的行為)147503
    to gently rub or press your nose or head against someone to show you like them.
    Frank: Driving across country, this little bastard nuzzled his way into my heart.
  • vasectomy (n.) 結紮手術
    vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception.
    Frank: Hell, back in the day. I got a vasectomy for her.
  • mosey (v.) 漫步
    to move in a leisurely, relaxed way
    Frank: Okay, you twisted my arm. Come on Scout. Let’s mosey.

雖然在第一季當中的 Lily 並不是由 Aubrey 飾演,但我個人其實比較喜歡 Aubrey 飾演的 Lily,也覺得她越來越漂亮了!這個頻道是由 Aubrey 和她媽媽一同經營的,就是母子兩人生活的小片段,有些短片也會跟摩登家庭有關,例如下面這支影片就是某天 Aubrey 拍攝摩登家庭時吃的午餐~


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新影集推薦——Odd Mom out(怪媽闖蕩記)

Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

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Modern Family season 1 episode 20–Benched
Luke 和 Manny 的籃球教練常對他們言語霸凌,Jay 和 Phil 看不下去決定出面阻止便當起暫時的教練,雖然 Jay 從來沒有當過籃球教練但還是堅持要指導大家,Phil 只能坐在旁邊任由 Jay 操控一切,直到最後慘輸 Jay 才決定下放權力給 Phil。Mitch 辭職之後 Cam 開始在卡片店打工,Cam 假裝自己喜歡工作但其實內心希望 Mitch 可以趕快回到職場讓他在家帶 Lily,兩人一起去見了 Jay 的一位可以給Mitch 工作的年輕創業家朋友,Cam 卻頻頻出糗。Claire 和 Gloria 都不被自己的孩子們需要,心中覺得落寞,還因此反將了孩子們一軍。Benched_(Modern_Family).jpg

  • layup (n.) 上籃
    a throw in basketball made from very close to the basketball or from under it.
    Luke: Coach wants us to practice layups.

  • deceptively (adj.) 迷惑的、虛偽的
    1. something that is deceptive seems to be one thing but is in fact very different.
    例句:Some snakes move with deceptive speed(=move faster than you think or expect)
    2. intended to make someone believe something that is not true.
    例句:misleading and deceptive adverts.
    Manny: They are deceptively hard-a curious mix of dance and strength.

  • taunt (v.) 揶揄、嘲諷
    to try to make someone angry or upset by saying unkind things to them→tease
    Claire: He taunts the kids. He’s abusive.

  • stick one’s nose 插手干預
    to show too much interest in a situation that does not involve you.
    Mitch: I know how it feels to have him stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.

  • slacker (n.) 懶惰蟲
    informal someone who is lazy and does not do all the work they should-used to show disapproval.
    Mitch: God, I feel like such a slacker.

  • tightrope (n.) 鋼索
    1.a rope or wire high above the ground that someone walks along in the circus.
    2.walk a tightrope to be in a difficult situation in which something bad could happen if you make a mistake.

    trapeze (n.) 高空鞦韆
    a short bar hanging from two ropes high above the ground,used by acrobats(特技)
    Phil: Father-in-laws are tough, because you can’t let them push you around and you also have to show them respect.It’s like walking on a tightrope. Which, by the way, I can do, because I went to trapeze school.

  • lam (n.) 畏罪潛逃
    on the lam informal escaping or hiding from someone, especially the police.
    Claire: How long you’ve been on lam?

  • in-bound 傳球進場(就是籃球比賽一開始的時候會有一個人在界外傳球給界內隊友)
    To put (the ball) into play by passing it from out of bounds to a teammate on the court.
    Phil: Okay, Jordy, you in-bound to Luke.


每年暑假書蟲女孩都會覺得沒有影集可以追,現在終於快要盼到第八季的摩登家庭了,前天在Sofia Vergara 的 Instagram 上面看到全新劇照,這造型也太可愛了吧!

Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:)


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新影集推薦——Odd Mom out(怪媽闖蕩記)

Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集


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Modern Family season 1 episode 19–Game Changer
時間發生在 Phil 生日這一天,剛好也是 ipad 第一天上市,Claire 決定要幫 Phil 排隊購買 ipad 當作他的生日禮物,但卻不小心睡過頭而導致沒買到,Phil 因而看淡一切不再期待生日驚喜;Jay 買了一套西洋棋給 Phil 當作生日禮物,偶然決定要跟 Manny 下一場棋,Manny 在 Gloria 的建議之下故意輸給 Jay;Lily 的嬰兒監控機偶然跟其他家的機器頻率對到,一開始讓 Mitch 整個驚慌失措,決定要向Jay 學習一些防身術,然而 Cam 也意外地拯救了一段婚姻。看到這集我才知道原來 ipad 第一次發行已經是六年多前的事!


  • mope (v.) 自怨自艾
    to feel sorry for yourself, without making any effort to do anything or be more happy.
    Gloria: He mopes, he makes the face, he slams the door.
  • bummed (adj.) 沮喪的
    discouraged, depressed.
    Claire: Was I bummed to get up at 5:00 and wait in line?
  • toss out sth/toss sth out
    1. to suggest something as a possibility.
    例句:We tossed out half a dozen titles and then discussed what we thought about each on
    2. to refuse to accept or consider something.
    例句:The judge tossed out the case two weeks ago.
    Jay: Let me toss this out.
  • momentum (n.) 動能、動力
    1. the force that makes a moving object keep moving.
    2. the ability to keep increasing, developing , or being more successful.
    Jay: I used your momentum against you.
  • oath (n.) 誓言
    a formal and very serious promise.
    Cam: I know you’ve taken an oath to not tell people where other people live.
  • shovel (n.) 鏟子
    a tool with a rounded blade and a long handle used for moving earth, stones, etc.
    Phil: Just heading out to the yard to get a shovel for my cake.
    shovel (v.) 剷
    1. to lift and move earth, stones etc with a shovel.
    2. shovel sth into/onto sth to put something, usually food, somewhere quickly.

 YEAH! 摩登家庭第八季9/21就要回歸啦!角色們已經開始讀本了~

Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:)


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新影集推薦——Odd Mom out(怪媽闖蕩記)

Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

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Modern Family season 1 episode 18–Starry Night
本集故事仍是三線進行,Jay 和 Mitch 父子兩人每年都會去觀星,今年 Jay 因為 Manny 心情不好而決定帶他一起參與這項父子活動,Manny 為了跟 Mitch 拉近距離所以一直嘲笑 Mitch,但卻造成反效果。Cam 覺得自己和 Gloria 之間有些誤會,因此安排兩人共進晚餐,並希望能和 Gloria 成為好閨蜜。Claire要 Phil 盯著 Luke 完成學校作業,但其實真的有注意力不集中問題的人是 Phil。這集最好笑的地方就是 Alex 念著 ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 的症狀時,Phil 的每一項行為都符合症狀,就是一個長不大的爸爸呀!


  • tranquil (adj.) 寂靜的
    pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful: a small tranquil village.
    primal (adj.) 原始的
    formal primal feelings or actions seem to belong to a part of people’s character that is ancient and animal-like: a primal fear of unknown.
    Phil:  The fascinating thing about nature is how, in the blink of an eye, it can go from a scene of total tranquil beauty to raw, primal violence.
  • give it a spin 姑且一試
    Give it a shot. Try something out.
    Phil: It’s noise-canceling technology. Give it a spin.
  • smother (v.) 使窒息
    1. to completely cover the whole surface of something with something else, often in a way that seems unnecessary or unpleasant.
    2. to give someone so much love and attention that they feel as of they are not free and become unhappy.
    3. to get rid of anyone who opposes you. They ruthlessly smother all opposition.
    Claire: You think I smother our child?
  • shotgun 車子前座
    to sit in the front passenger seat of a vehicle during a trip.
    Manny: Shotgun, sucka!
  • dense (adj.) 緊密的、愚笨的
    1. informal not able to understand things easily.(stupid)
    2. technical a substance that is dense has a lot of mass in relation to its size.
    3. made of or containing a lot of things or people that are very close together.
    Manny: Which makes you the densest guy on the densest planet.
  • tag along  順道一起
    to follow or go with a person or group when you were not invited
    Manny: You sure Mitchell won’t mind me tagging along?
  • stay on top of 負責、監控
    to keep well-informed about someone or something; to keep watch over someone or something.
    Claire: I asked you to do one thing -stay on top of Luke.

大家有沒有去看最近討論度最高的動畫片海底總動員2: 多莉去哪兒呢?還記得我第一次看海底總動員的時候是在美國的電影院看的,現在居然已經事隔 13 年!第二集中多了許多新角色,其中 Hank(七條郎) 和Bailey(利鯨) 這兩個角色分別是 Ed O’Neill 和 Ty Burrell 配音的,大家有聽出來嗎?來看看這些配音的藝人小孩們對於他們父母「出現」在動畫片中有什麼想法吧!

Facebook fan page: Reading lady 書蟲女孩,關於新文章的訊息都會在粉絲專頁發佈,如果想和書蟲女孩交流的意見也歡迎私訊我,我會盡快回覆您的:)


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新影集推薦——Odd Mom out(怪媽闖蕩記)

Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集

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Modern Family season 1 episode 17–Truth Be Told
以前書蟲女孩在看摩登家庭的時候都不會特別去看那一集的名稱叫什麼,但因為現在需要寫文章給大家,所以都會特別去查每一集的名稱,我才發現這齣劇的每一集都有一個中心主旨,然後再用各種不同的情境帶回主旨,實在相當令人佩服!本集就如名稱一樣,大家都說出了一些實話:Jay 不小心害死了Manny 的烏龜,卻說謊表示烏龜是被浣熊害死的;Mitchell 受夠了每個週末都要加班,在車上怒罵上司,最後決定辭職走人;Phil 邀請了高中時的女朋友 Denise 來家中拜訪, Claire 覺得這個女人一定是想要勾引 Phil,一開始 Phil 覺得 Claire多想了,後來證實 Denise 真的是想和 Phil 重溫舊事。


  • get schooled 被打敗
    losing a contest/game/battle/argument in a humiliating fashion while the other person shows you how it is done.
    Luke: You mean her second lesson, because she just got schooled.

  • faux pas (n.) 尷尬的場面
    an embarrassing mistake in a social situation.
    Cam: Go around! We’re recreating a faux pas!

  • commotion (n.) 騷動
    sudden noisy activity.
    Jay: I was down here reading the paper, and I heard this commotion up in your room.

  • mangy (adj.) 骯髒的、皮膚病的
    1. suffering from mange (a skin disease of animals that makes them lose their fur.)
    2. informal dirty and in bad condition.
    Jay: And this mangy raccoon had busted through your screen.

  • scamper (v.) 疾走
    to run with quick short steps, like a child or small animals.
    flinch (v.) 畏縮
    to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in pain, frightened ,or upset.
    bolt (v.) 逃跑
    to suddenly run somewhere very quickly especially in order to escape or because you are frightened.
    Jay: He must have scampered up to where Shel was. He did’t even flinch. He just stared at me with that smug look and then bolted.

  • nocturnal (adj.) 夜行性的
    an animal that is nocturnal is active at night.
    Manny: But in school, we learn raccoons are nocturnal.

  • take the heat 負責、接受批評
    to receive or put up with criticism (for something).
    Jay: I took the heat on the bird. It was a big mistake.

  • brawl (n.) 鬥毆
    a noisy quarrel or fight among a group of people, especially in a public place.
    Jay: And that guy looked like he’d been in a brawl or two.

  • cynical (adj.) 刻薄的
    1. unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something.
    2. not caring that something might not be morally right, might hurt someone etc, when you are trying to get something for yourself.
    Claire: When did I become this horribly cynical person who assumes the worst about people? 
  • bust one’s ass 努力工作
    to work very hard
    Mitch’s boss: I need you to bust ass preparing. 
  • corkscrew (n.) 開瓶器
    a tool made of twisted metal that you use to pull a cork out off a bottle.
    Claire: I can’t find my corkscrew.

  • wuss out 退卻
    To withdraw from a commitment or course of action because of cowardice or insecurity
    Denise: Why are you wussing out?

  • tingle (v.) 打顫
    1.if a part of your body tingles, you feel a slight stinging feeling, especially on your skin.
    2. tingle with excitement /fear/anticipation/ etc to feel excitement ,fear etc very strongly
    Cam: I am tingling.

  • grovel (v.) 卑躬屈膝
    to praise someone a lot or behave with a lot of respect towards them because you think they are important  and will be able to help you in some way-used to show disapproval,同義詞:crawl to
    debase (v.) 貶低
    to make someone or something lose its value or people’s respect.
    debase yourself: actors who debased themselves by participating in the show.
    Mitch: I am going to lie, grovel, debase myself until I get what I want.

  • buff (v.) 打亮
    to polish something with a cloth.
    Manny:Since we’re confessing things, you know that scratch on your car?
    Jay: The one that’s can’t be buffed out?

上週日(7/10)是 Sofia Vergara 的 44 歲生日,她真的是一位美魔女!但網路上還是有非常多人會留言攻擊她,就讓我們看看這段好笑的影片吧!

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看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-16

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-15

看影集學英文——摩登家庭 Modern Family 1-14


新影集推薦——Odd Mom out(怪媽闖蕩記)

Call the Midwife(呼叫助產士)——療癒人心的影集